
Support the work of revival in Fort Wayne

Give to reviveFortWayne

Donations made to reviveFortWayne go towards Bibles, wristbands, discipleship materials, food and more!

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Locations > reviveIndiana

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Outreach Activties


Alot has been happening with revive during the last year and alot is continuing to happen!

There is a remnant that continues to go out and reach the lost.

Many people have been saved, healed and ministered to.

People in all stages are reached - many are right on the edge and ready to be saved. Others are open to hearing but aren't ready to commit, or maybe have really heard the first time and need to consider.

Some need healing and Jesus touches them.

Regular outreach based out of Broadway continues to happen, besides teams going out separately.

The materials are being put to good use. Some don't have Bibles and get one of their own.

New ways of discipling are being put into practice using Alpha - inviting people for food, a short video and discussion on a topic each week so they can learn the basics and start growing, developing relationships with others in the group.

After coming to these gatherings for 14 weeks the Alpha group usually turns into a new small group where people continue to come and grow.

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