Testimony & Encounter Videos« Prev1 / 6Next »Impromptu Conversation - Jesus' burden for the lost HD 1080pRevive Ft Wayne Testimony 2/16/19 #4Revive Ft Wayne Testimony 2/16/19 #3Revive Ft Wayne Testimony 2/16/19 #2Revive Ft Wayne Testimony 2/16/19- #1reviveFortWayne Testimony 12.15.18 #8reviveFortWayne Testimony 12.15.18 #7reviveFortWayne Testimony 12.15.18 #6 Prayer TeamreviveFortWayne Testimony 12.15.18 #5 Prayer teamreviveFortWayne Testimony 12.15.18 #4 Step out and prayreviveFortWayne Testimony 12.15.18 #3 Amazing encountersreviveFortWayne Testimony 12.15.18 #2reviveFortWayne Testimony 12.15.18 #1 God used the whole teamreviveFortWayne Testimony 12.12.18 #2reviveFortWayne Healing testmonoy 12.12.18 #1« Prev1 / 6Next »