See what God is doing!
See what God is doing!
A team went to a Park last Sunday to engage people. They met a young man from Thailand who was very friendly. He was connected with a family who included a Pastor of a church. The man was familiar with the Gospel but wasn’t sure he believed it and wasn’t really concerned if he would go to Heaven or not. He listened, though, as the team took him through the verses and explained that either we pay for our own sin or we commit to Jesus and He pays for them and gives us life.
The team then asked if he had any pain in his body. He showed them scars on his right leg where he had surgery and demonstrated that he couldn’t bend his leg all the way back at the knee and he felt pain when he tried.
The team prayed for him and asked him to try it. He was amazed as the pain was gone and he could bend his leg back.
As a result, he found out that Jesus was real and that there was something to what we were saying. He said he had been to church but never experienced anything like this. We were then able to share about the difference between going to church and really knowing Jesus and having a relationship with Him. He still wasn’t ready to make the decision to commit to Jesus, but God is doing a deeper work in him now because he experienced God touching him. The seed of the Word will continue to work in his life now.
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