
See what God is doing!

Ex Jehova’s Witness Saved

A team went to Foster Park last Sunday. At the end of the time they encountered a young couple who were very open to prayer.

Afterwards the team asked the young lady if she was sure she would go to Heaven and she replied that she wasn’t and she was interested in hearing how she could.

As the team took her through the verses, it was evident in her answers that she still had a lot of JW works teaching in her mind – based on how many doors they knock on, how many studies they go to, etc.

As they got to the blue then the Green tab, the verses really started speaking to her. The team had her read again the green tab a few times, and every time it made more sense to her. Then the team asked her, based on what she read, to say what it takes for a person to go to Heaven, then the light came on all the way as she went to express what she just read. She laughed and was amazed at how simple it was. She prayed to confess Jesus as her Lord. She said she felt good and relieved like a big weight left her.

As she kept reading that verse the team could feel the joy of the Lord as Holy Spirit was speaking to her heart. It really was amazing!

2 Responses to Ex Jehova’s Witness Saved

  1. Amazing how she thought she had known the way before, but through a few simple verses realized she was off the mark!
    Thank you Jesus for showing her the real way.
    I’m glad she felt so much relief in the truth.

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