
Pursuing revival in Fort Wayne

What We Do

Revive is About Pursuing Revival through Equipping the Whole Church to Reach the Lost

Partnering with area churches, we equip the normal every day Christian to reach people for Jesus. Using the Bible and wristband we provide training and organize into teams to go into the community to show them how to love people and share the Good News. We then send the teams out to love, listen, discern and respond to opportunities that the Spirit leads them to. We are Gospel-obsessed, Spirit-led, Church-driven, city-focused and disciple-oriented in order to see Jesus Christ transform the hearts and lives across our county and beyond.

Engaging the Community

By Sharing the Gospel

The mission and message of reviveFortWayne centers on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which remains our chief focus in all that we do. The Scriptures we use tell the story of redemption through Christ, and as we equip the saints, these verses are the basis for sharing our faith simply and effectively:

 •Romans 3:23
 •Romans 6:23
 •Romans 5:8-9
 •Ephesians 2:8-9
 •Romans 10:9-10

Engaging the Community

By Discipleship

As we engage in the community our desire is to stay connected with each individual that wants to be Discipled. Each week we do life with them, the good and the bad it doesn’t matter. We share Christ’s love with them one-on-one.


Engaging the Community

By Praying

reviveFortWayne is actively equipping the saints for Jesus’ return by uniting and praying alongside believers for personal and corporate revival, and training them to boldly declare Jesus and make disciples. When the Church starts living and declaring the pure message of the Gospel in unity, a city, and even a nation can be revived for His glory. (John 17:23).

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